Patriot's Corner

September 2023

Now is the time to rise to the challenge.

“If the family is going to prevail, it will be because husbands and fathers accept their God-given responsibilities for leadership in the family and lead then in paths of Righteousness, Integrity, Honesty and Decency, to love their children and care for those that depend on them.” Dr. James Dobson


 In a complete twist of fate, I’m back as District Master, once again to fill an open position left by my predecessor whose leadership was not overlooked by the Supreme Master. Before I jump into the business of the fourth degree of the province, I want to take a short break to thank the giants who went before me. First, a huge thank you to Thomas Monahon, PSD, FVSM who brought the Sir Knights of the DeSoto Province a long way in four years. Thanks for your leadership and mentorship. Between Tom and Paul Burchell, PSD the spotlight is shining brightly on South Carolina again. Also, it brings me joy to thank not just a predecessor and leader of the fourth degree, but a good friend of many years, Daniel Barton, PSD, FDM who will be taking over as Vice Supreme Master of the DeSoto Province.

Now, let’s roll up our sleeves and think about this for a second. The generation in grade school today will never know or even meet a WW II veteran. The next generation will not be taught about the greatest generation, their sacrifices, or America’s involvement in the wars, let alone the benefits of defeating the enemy. Instead, they will more than likely be taught that America was wrong to get involved and that Socialism, Marxism, and Communism are values worth defending.

Can we sit around idly and watch this happen? Can Knights of Columbus look the other way while our children are taught that science is God and morals are relative, and the truth is whatever you believe, or worse whatever the polls say it is? For me, the answer is a loud resounding NO! My hope is that you feel the same, if you do, then the fourth degree may just be what you’re looking for.

Vivat Jesus!

Now is the time to rise to the challenge.


Michael A. Allen, PSD, DM


Thank you and God bless you!

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