Patriot's Corner

August 2023

May our founder and brother knight, the Blessed Michael McGivney, pray for us!


On August 12, more than seventy men stood to take their Fourth Degree as part of the 91st Exemplification class in South Carolina History. I want to thank the Charleston Exemplification Team for their many hours of practice and the outstanding job they did. The highlights of the Exemplification were that this was the first time in our history, as the South Carolina District, that the degree was held in the Cathedral of St John the Baptist and only the second time that our current Bishop became a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus. The Class Honoree was The Most Reverend Jacques E. Fabre[1]Jeune, C.S., Bishop Charleston.

To the men who became Sir Knights, I offer our deepest congratulations and look forward to the great work you will contribute to your Assemblies and local communities in the coming months and years. Like your Council, your Assembly is not restricted to any particular charity or cause. Therefore, we strongly encourage all of you to find a program that speaks to your heart and suggest it to the officers of your Assembly. Keep going even if the program does not go as well as you hoped.

In his address to the Knights of Columbus, St. Pope Paul VI said, “Tell your sons, your nephews, your grandsons; tell the people that the pope loves the Knights of Columbus.” He added: “The glory of the Knights of Columbus is not based on humanitarian works alone. Even more admirable have been your insistence upon the supremacy of God and your fidelity to the Vicar of Christ. In truth you can call yourselves ‘brothers’ because you call God your Father and have declared yourselves ready to do his will and serve his cause. . . the Knights of Columbus an immense force for good.”

I sincerely thank every Sir Knight throughout South Carolina for how they have served this past year. To the officers of the Assemblies, words cannot express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you that worked to make the South Carolina District one of the best Districts Order-wide. It has been a great honor and pleasure to see your impact on the lives of those in your local communities, your Assembly, and most importantly, your Parish. I encourage you to continue to build the bounds with your local Council(s) and foster an atmosphere of cooperation leading to more men becoming Sir Knights.

As most have heard, I will take over as Vice Supreme Master of the DeSoto Province on September 1, 2023. As my time as District Master ends at the end of this month, I would like to thank Thomas M. Monahon for his four years of service as our Vice Supreme Master. I will forever cherish his mentorship, counsel, and friendship. Additionally, I would like to express my complete support of Michael A. Allen, PSD, who will fill the one-year vacancy and again be our District Master on September 1, 2023. I ask that everyone please support our new District Master.

May our founder and brother knight, the Blessed Michael McGivney, pray for us!


Daniel Barton, PSD

Master, South Carolina District, DeSoto Province

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